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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 1 à 20 de 118
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2024Introspection into Post-Industrial Society caseCanadian Higher EducationSEBBAH, Djamel
2024Maximizing the Accuracy of Needs Analysis Via Work Shadowing: The Case of First Year Master Students of Finance and International Commerce at Djillali Liabes UniversityBOUGUESMIA, Mohammed Tewfik
2024Quality Circles at the Service of Teaching English for Law: An Attempt to Improve the Teaching Output and Learning Outcomes of ESP Courses at the Department of Law, University of Oran 2SAAID, Younes
2024Discourse based Approach to Teaching Business English: The case of Master1 Economics Students at Tlemcen UniversityQwider, LARBI
2024Designing a Study Program for the Teaching of Legal English within the LMD SystemMANSOURI, Mohamed Charif
2024Professional Maritime English Communicative Competence in Algerian PortsBellal, Hanane
2024The Advent of English at the Institutional Level of AlgeriaDALI YOUCEF, Linda
2018Language Management in Islamic Religious Domain: a Case Study of SermonZEGHAR, Ahmed
2022Dialectal Bedounity in Frenda Speech Community: Variation and ChangeMahi, Hadj
2022Distance English Language Learning in Algeria: An Investigation of Students’ Attitudes and Effectiveness of the MethodIZIDI, Redouane
2022Dialogic Experiences: Negotiating Muslim Women’s Experiences and Dilemmas of Transitivity, Family and Religious Spirituality in Leila Aboulela’s Narratives.MAZOUZI, Hassiba
2023Teaching Literature in Higher Education Institutions of Algeria: Pedagogy of the Oppressed?ALLAMI, Moustafa
2022The Impact of Translation from French and Arabic into English on the Verbal and Written Repertoire The Case of Second-Year Students at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of MostaganemADNANI, Nour El Imene Rajaa
2023Intonation Patterns in Adult Male and Female SpeechSALEM, Nesrine
2023Upton Sinclair’s Liminal EntitiesHAMZI, Mohamed Cherif
2023Interactive Activities to Teach Medical English to Future Medical ProfessionalsTALHA, Boualem
2022Teaching Strategies to Cope with Foreign Language Learners’ Speaking Anxiety: The case of Second-Year EFL Students of Mostaganem UniversitySAADI, Fatima Zohra
2022An ESP Course Design for Medical Students: The Case of General Surgery Students in the Faculty of Medicine at Badji Mokhtar University AnnabaOUIS, Hanane
2023The Rise of Feminism in the United States and its Impact on the American Society (1840's-1990's)CHIALI, Amina
2022A Linguistic, Telecollaborative and Multicultural Perspective in EFL Facing the Global Digital Divide: “On the Other Side of the World” Project.BENABDALLAH, Abir
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 1 à 20 de 118