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dc.contributor.authorELKORSO, Kamal-
dc.description.abstractThe writers adopted irony and satire as of expressing the reality which is full of conflicts and contradictions in society , a means of indirect confrontation , in particular opinions which criticize political and social authority despite the content of laugh and fun , therefor were and remain the best way for poets and writers to discredit their opponents . This study aims to show the role of criticism with satire and its relation to other methods of sarcasm such as irony ,humor …etc. in three books written by the German writer Heinrich Böll , who was one of the those committed writers who made harsh criticism of the political and social conditions in Germany after the second World War .en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmeden_US
dc.subjectSatirical discourse – Heinrich Böll – irony – humor – criticizing the political and social situations .en_US
dc.titleFormen und Funktionen des satirischen Diskurses in drei Werken von Heinrich Böllen_US
Collection(s) :Doctorat Allemagne

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