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dc.contributor.authorبراضية, يمينة-
dc.contributor.authorقاسمي, سمية-
dc.descriptionنتيجة للتغيرات والتطورات التي عرفتها المدن في الجانب اللإقتصادي والتكنولوجي والإجتماعي،لتواكبه الزيادة السكانيةen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to know field distribution to the technical backfill centers inorder to analyse it and evaluate it then discover how is it work then identify different criteria that associated Geoinformatics technologies, that e for technical backfill center in the country. Also for selecting the best sit this study aims to show the role of these techniques in improving decision .izane.making of the state of Rel The study rely on descriptive method to know the properties of the state of Relizane inorder to find the stimulus of the relationship between it and human and natural factors that lead to develop the problem of waste identify the factors affecting its disposal, and analytical approach to exacerbation then its rely on applied method from the program of ArcGis10.8 and that to take advantage of his tools.en_US
dc.publisherجامعة وهران2en_US
dc.subjectالجيومعلوماتية- التوزيع المجالي-النفايات الصلبةen_US
dc.titleمساهمة الجيو معلوماتية في التوزيع المجالي لمراكز الردم التقني بولاية غليزانen_US
Collection(s) :Master Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire

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