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dc.contributor.authorشاطر, بشرى-
dc.descriptionتعتبر المعطيات الحضرية المتمثلة في معدلات النمو الحضري والعناصر البيئة الحضرية جد مهمة لتحديد الخصائص المحددة لتحضر حيث الطرق التقليدية لإدارتها ولا سيما تلك المتعلقة بشغل الأراضي مرهقة للغاية بحيث يتعذر تنفيذها ولا يمكنها مواكبة تطور التهيئة العمرانية الحديثة وبالتالي تشكل عائق لتحقيق الإدارة المثالية مما يميزها بعدم الكفاءة النسبية.en_US
dc.description.abstractTraditional methods of urban data management and more particularly those relating to the land use plan (POS) have become increasingly unsuitable given the rates of urban growth. They are cumbersome to implement and cannot keep up with the pace of development of urban space, hence their relative ineffectiveness. In order to make up for this deficiency, the development of modern management methods using IT resources is • A technical problem of cartography for the needs of the study of POS is proposed. • A decision-making system model is proposed, relevant to describe the system that aims to produce decisions in the context of urban planning. • A theoretical study of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is developed. MCA is an appropriate approach to address complex and unstructured situations such as those related to land management. It calls for the development of conceptual and methodological solutions aimed at integrating multi-criteria analysis methods of the ELECTRE type into GIS in order to strengthen the potential of the latter as a decision-making tool with spatial references. The relevance of the proposed theoretical framework is finally demonstrated through the application to the POS of EL Hammar, . The latter are particularly well suited to the problems of urban planning. Due to the increase and complexity of the data necessary for space management, it is important to organize this data in an adequate system in order to guarantee efficiency in this management. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are the tools best suited to meet this need. Three themes constitute the heart of our study: • The definition of theoretical concepts • POS data modeling • The application of the methodology to a concrete case. The objective of this study is to implement a GIS to enable Technical Urban Planning Services to be able to monitor and manage a POS. The main results of this dissertation are as follows:en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Oran2en_US
dc.titleمنهجية تنفيد أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية في إدارة مخطط شغل الأراضي لمنطقة الحمر بلدية قديل ولاية وهرانen_US
Collection(s) :Master Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire

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