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dc.contributor.authorAMRI, Nadia-
dc.description.abstractThis work was undertaken within a project in sociolinguistics on language planning. Our main motivation for the choice of this topic came from our observation of the Algerian linguistic environment characterized by a lack of coherence at different levels and by the incapacity of the educational system, confronted with everlasting challenges, mainly in terms of quantity, to find solutions or at least to help improve a rather complex linguistic situation. Our major concern is: To what extent can the Algerian school, after having set valid reforms, stemming from our reality and our needs, not imported ones, and in partnership with prominent members of the civil society, become the provider of a tool of communication which can reduce the tensions and hopefully put an end to conflictual attitudes as regards linguistic choices? This work is organized in five chapters with a questionnaire. Chapter one entitled “A Review of the Existing Literature on the Subject” paves the way to the existing mood on linguistic matters characterized by the ongoing conflictual positions. Chapter two is an attempt to see how the different periods of the history of Algeria from Antiquity to the Modern Era have contributed to the shaping of post independence linguistic situation. Chapter three focuses the impact of post independence political decisions affecting the social, economic, cultural order of the country at a linguistic level. Chapter four concerns mainly the Educational system which, in spite of the huge sums of money allocated to this sector, proves not to be efficient enough after more than fifty years of sovereignty in preparing the students, as far as the mastery of language is concerned, to face the challenges of the Modern Era. Chapter five is a modest attempt to propose hints for an improvement of the situation, involving linguists, educationalists, and all those concerned with language policy and placing the national interest above all. The questionnaire, though the data collected, for practical reasons, have been limited to the Oran area, has been a valid tool to enlighten us on the linguistic situation of the average citizen. To some extent, the informants’ responses have confirmed our expectations on language matters.en_US
dc.publisheruniv oran 2en_US
dc.subjectLanguage policy, language planning, educational system, diglossia, code switching, code mixing, bilingualism, Algerian Arabic, Standard Arabic, foreign languages.en_US
dc.titleA Potenial Contribution of Sociolinguistics to a Rational language Policy in algeriaen_US
Collection(s) :Magister Allemagne

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