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dc.contributor.authorبولنوار, حليمة-
dc.description.abstractDavid Hume presented a new approach for the philosophy by the introduction of experimentation to study the most human and natural phenomenon. This knowledge based on sensual perceptions and sensual impressions. He studies ethics from emotions, and with these principles, which he initiated in both knowledge and ethics, he made his theory psychological, and therefore Hume's views were regarded as the symptoms of modern experimental psychology. Therefore, his attempt to apply the experimental method to the ethical subjects in particular is to become anatomist of the human nature and access to the most important principles and rules guiding the human nature and access to the scientific accuracy that characterized the natural sciences in the field of ethics.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité d'Oran 2 MOHAMED BEN AHMEDen_US
dc.subjectmethodology, experimental, philosophy, ethics, science.en_US
dc.titleدافيد هيوم وإشكالية المنهجen_US
Collection(s) :5.Faculté des Sciences Sociales

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