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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorALLAM-IDDOU, Samira-
dc.description.abstractIn the context of globalization, the dynamics of national and international economic and trade exchanges are increasingly intensifying in the daily life of different countries. The impact of university education on society and the world of work is becoming more and more important. It should be mentioned that university training not only requires mainly specialty skills, but language skills to be integrated in the current labor market as well. It is therefore appropriate in this article to focus on the characteristics of the language needs of students in the different fields of their specialty, namely Trade and Economic Management. Through this communication we try to present a proposal for a pedagogical approach which must meet the students‘ demand and satisfy their language needs in their field of specialization in order to gain access to the most diverse professional sectors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmeden_US
dc.subjectcompétences langagières-compétences de spécialité-besoins langagiers et communicatifs-formation universitaire– langues étrangères- marché du travail.en_US
dc.titleInstallation des compétences langagières en vue de l’intégration sur le marché du travail actuelen_US
Collection(s) :2.Faculté des Langues Etrangères

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