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- Waqf, protection, gestion, investissement , litige. 1
- Waqf, protection, management, investment, dispute. 1
- was recently created by the legislature alone,with the judge interfering in its implementation 1
- water - policy - strategy - sustainable development –pollution - integrated management - Algeria - Public Private Partnership – SEOR- Oran. 1
- water Maghreb area climate future generations 1
- we noticed that local authorities need more autonomy and increased powers to enable them to carry out their tasks in a more correct and more close to the needs of the citizen. 1
- Weblog, bloguero, diario electrónico, weblog de viaje, escritura electrónica, literatura popular, literatura de viajes, interactividad, comunicación. 1
- Werbung; Jugend; Kinder; Einfluss; Auswirkung; Medien; Rundfunk; Strategien 1
- West and non-West, Orientalism and neo-Orientalism, Islam, ideology, interest, colonization, dichotomy. 1
- woman journalist- written press- professional practice- communicator. 1
- Women, Transboundary trade, informal work, competencies, strategies, daily life. 1
- Women, Womanhood, Male, Mother, Social Milieu. 1
- Women; Men; Gender; Code switching; Language; Culture; Society; Differences; Conversation; Multilingualism. 1
- words: ERP; Organization; Structure; Project; Organizational change 1
- Work, women, roles, changes, reflections 1
- Worker protection, user abuse, Penalties judgments. 1
- Working capital management; firm performance; cash conversion cycle; SME; financial statements 1
- working conditions - their organizational commitment 1
- working relationship-stabilité - continuit- survival of the institution- termination- layoff- stability mechanisms- will- negotiation ..... 1
- writing strategies, space, onomastics, paratext, ethos, identity / otherness, History. 1