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Montrant les résultats 644 à 663 de 5364
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- business incubators, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial culture, risk-taking, innovation, coaching, financing, consulting, entrepreneurship education 1
- Business, English communication, Wataniya Telecom Nedjma, English for Specific Purposes, Needs Analysis, ESP approach, linguistic theory, workplace, English language training, Communicative Competence. 1
- By adopting a quantitative approach and relying on a hypothetic-deductive approach, our study responds to the stated problem and confirms our hypotheses. 1
- CAAA– رضا -LAUQVRES– كلمات المفاحية : الخدمات – جودة الخدمات 1
- Cadastre 3D, Lidars terrestres, FIG. 1
- cadastre, apprentissage profond, data-mining, consommation foncière, Mostaganem, Algérie. 1
- cadastre, deep learning, data-mining, land consumption, Mostaganem, Algeria. 1
- calcaires du Murdjadjo- nappe karstique- pollution- Qualité d’eau- risque-hydrique 1
- Calcareous nannofossils, bioevents, correlations, Mio-Pliocene, Chelif basin, Algeria. 1
- Calcrète (HAC), Description, Paléoclimat, Ain Nouissy, Mostaganem. 1
- cancer - medical uncertainty - therapeutic relationship - trajectory - professional socialization 1
- cancer, cancer patient, psychotherapy, quranic therapy, prophetic therapy, quranic therapy and psychotherapy, prophetic therapy and psychotherapy, prophetic and quranic therapy. 1
- Capacité de lire, cadre de réponse du lecteur, interprétation du texte, compétence de lecture. 1
- Capital intellectuel, l’innovation organisationnelle, TIC, Extraction des connaissances tacites, Réseaux 1
- Capital naturel, Ressource naturelle, Protection juridique, Gestion durable. 1
- Caractéristiques - développement professionnel continu - excellent enseignement - enseignant qualifié - enseignants en formation initiale - apprenants - programmes de formation des enseignants 1
- care, the family, the elderly person, the sexual division of labor, Socialization according to sex. 1
- Carence affective- Délinquance juvénile 1
- carrière Sidi Boutbal, Plateau de Boufatis, bassin, bas Chélif, Knauf, gypse, Messinien, explosifs, massif rocheux, joints, fracturations, karsts, anomalies, tir, fragmentation 1