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Montrant les résultats 3379 à 3398 de 5389
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- violence - référentialité historique- colonisation - intégrisme religieux – écriture féminine- stratégies d’écriture. 1
- Violence verbale, femmes, espace public, gender. 1
- Violence – Agressivité - Relation d’objet – Estime de soi – lien conjugal. 1
- Violence, discours, hétérogénéité discursive, stratégies d’écriture, guerre, roman algérien 1
- Virements internationaux; Régime juridique; Transfert des fonds scripturales; Loi type de la CNUDCI; Institutions d'échanges et de règlements 1
- Virtual education - E-learning - Virtual classroom - distance education - electronic platforms - Correspondence Education - Academic Achievement - Education technology 1
- visions, dreams, inspiration, disclosure and other metaphysical phenomena that people know. 1
- Visual impairement ; Representation ; Mourning process; Therapy 1
- vocable, itérativité, spécificité, argumentation, voisinage lexical, modernité, statistique lexicale. 1
- volcanisme - séisme -faille transformante- dorsale océanique - MORB- OIB 1
- volume contract-contractual freedom- Rotterdam Rules-liability 1
- voluntary urination; psychotherapy; behavioural therapy;psychological compatibility 1
- vulnérabilité à la pollution, nappe, SIG, DRSTI, plaine Sidi Bel Abbes. 1
- vulnérabilité, souterraine, hydrochimie, industrie, nappe, pollution, phréatique, qualitatif, SIG, GOD. 1
- Waqf, protection, gestion, investissement , litige. 1
- Waqf, protection, management, investment, dispute. 1
- was recently created by the legislature alone,with the judge interfering in its implementation 1
- water - policy - strategy - sustainable development –pollution - integrated management - Algeria - Public Private Partnership – SEOR- Oran. 1
- water Maghreb area climate future generations 1
- we noticed that local authorities need more autonomy and increased powers to enable them to carry out their tasks in a more correct and more close to the needs of the citizen. 1