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- The Teacher-Learner Relationship - Teacher Role - Online Learning - Blended Learning - Unplugged Teaching - The Future of Teaching and Learning - Educational ICTs 1
- The territorial communities, Local development, reforms . 1
- the Tuareg community, geographic origin, demographic characteristics, fertility. 1
- The United States; US Foreign Policy; Bosnia-Herzegovina; The Bosnian War; Military Disengagement; Humanitarian Intervention; Idealism; Realism; Idealistic Perspectives; Realistic Assumptions Of Realpolitik. 1
- The validation tools applied allowed to discriminate that the PI results are consistent with the spatial patterns of pollutants 1
- The value The beauty, The pleasure, The nature, 1
- Thermal anomaly; Earthquake; RST; MODIS satellite data; LST; Ambient temperature 3
- Théâtre, emprunt, Brecht, Benaissa, narration théâtrale, distanciation. 1
- Théorie de l’optimalité, Théorie de correspondance, Correspondance moraïque, Syllabe, l’Accent tonique, Pluriel brisé, Parler arabe de la Saoura. 1
- théorie néo-institutionnelle, théorie de la structuration, harmonisation comptable, normalisationcomptable, IAS/IFRS, Système Comptable Financier(SCF), Algérie 1
- Thérapie Cognitive-comportementale, Problèmes Psychologique, Trouble de l’autisme, La mère d’enfant autiste. Anxiété ,Stress 1
- Thérapie cognitivo-comportemental, Stress, Santé Psychologique, Diabéte type2 1
- thérapie cognitivo-comportementale, concept de soi, anxiété, dépression, mobilité réduite 1
- Thérapie cognitivo-comportementale, l’agressivité, la réussite scolaire, enfant de l’école primaire 1
- Thérapie familiale constructive, syndrome d'Asperger, la famille d'un enfant Asperger, un enfant Asperger. 1
- This dissertation attempts to revisit Black Nationalism in America, an ideology that stands in support of separate black statehood from the mid 19th century to the present, detailing the ways in which Black Nationalism historically mirrored broader currents in the African American struggle in USA. And overlapping its expansion around the globe; essentially, Africa, and its evolution to what is known as PanAfricanism amongst African people as an antislavery and, anticolonialism, and a call for African unity. The aims of Pan-Africanism have evolved through the ensuing decades: nationalsim, independence, political and economic cooperation, and historical and cultural awareness. Key words: Nationalism, Afro-Americans, America, Pan-Africanism, Africa, civil rights, awareness, emancipation. 1
- this efficiency was achieved in both analysis and creativity, but absent in evaluation, with none significance at sex. 1
- tholeiitic basalt, Triassic-Jurassic boundary; CAMP, rifting, Saharan Atlas, Algeria. 1
- Through these results, the researcher came up with a set of recommendations and suggestions. 1
- TIC, Internet, entreprise, économie numérique, économie du savoir, économie collaborative, entreprenariat, incubateur, investissement des TIC, appropriation des TIC. 1