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- Tactique, stratégie, logistique, bouclier antimissile, National missile défense, dilemme de sécurité, sécurité internationale, dilemme de défense, terminal High altitude missile défense, stabilité internationale. 1
- Takhmert, Djebel Er Roukine, "Marno-calcaires à brachiopodes de Keskes ", "dolomie de Saïda", toarcien, Aaléno-bajocien. 1
- task-based designed materials, literary texts, autonomy. 1
- Taux De Change, Balance Des Paiements, Inflation, Croissance Economique, ARDL, Algérie, Pass-through, Dinar, Dévaluation, Economie. 1
- Taux de change, systèmes de change, commerce extérieur, économie algérienne, modèles vectoriels d'auto-régression, cointégration, modèles d'analyse de trajectoire, Taux d'inflation, exportations, importations. 1
- TAV, didactique, traductolgie, technologie numérique, formation, unité d’enseignement. 1
- Tax cooperation, tax convention, exchange of information, recovery assistance, tax evasion and frauds, tax administration, Algerian-French experience 1
- Tax expenditures, Reference fiscal system, Tax policy, MSC, CGEM, Tax, Tax credit, Tax deduction, Tax exception, Tax interventionsm. 1
- tax fraud, external control tax, accounting control, control over income, specific accounting control, control on part, tax reassessments, the ordinary tax revenues of the State. 1
- Tax, group of companies, fiscal consolidation, account consolidation, result owerall taw, value added tax, output tax consolidation system, accounting consolidation, excluding tax consolidation system, restricting operations, companies, tax regime for restructuring of commercial companies, tax regime for restructuring of commercial companies, transfer of profits to abroad, tax treatment of abnormal, management act, taxation of mergers, division of taxation, tax asset partial contributions. 1
- Tax; economic regulation; investment; consumption; VAT; excise; free trade agreements; impoTax; economic regulation; investment; consumption; VAT; excise; free trade agreements; impoTax; economic regulation; investment; consumption; VAT; excise; free trade agreements; import; local development; environmentrt; local development; environmentrt; local development; environment 1
- Taxation - Tax Administration - Modernization - Tax Fraud- Alteration - Taxpayer 1
- Taxes écologiques, fiscalité environnementale, gaz torchés, externalités, pollution atmosphérique. 1
- TCI , Word processing-Computer-writing-learners-learning-.writing skills 1
- Teacher training, initial training, vocational training, self-study, pedagogical internship, French on editorial and didactico-pedagogical objectives, editorial skills and didactico-pedagogical competence. 1
- Teaching / learning literature - literary texts - children's literature - literary genres - textbooks - reading / writing - literary didactics. 2
- teaching aids, materiality and corporeality, oral skills, transient classes, teaching professionalism, 1
- Teaching of English, Pronunciation, Feedback, Third year textbook, Baccalaureate in Algeria, Teacher training. 1
- Teaching-learning- competences- lecturer- Spanish language- University- Literature. 1
- technique de conservation. Gabion. Mur en pierre sèche. Cuvette. Séguia. Naama. 1