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dc.contributor.authorACHACHE, Habib-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, a numerical study of the behavior of fatigue cracks of damaged composite repaired aeronautical structures was presented. Various parameters have been highlighted such as effect of the dimensions and mechanical properties of the patch as well as the orientation of the fibers and the effect of the dimensions and mechanical properties of the adhesive. Two geometrical models have been proposed in order to see the influence of the crack position and the overall failure behavior under fatigue stress of the damaged structure. The results on the different geometric models of cracked plates and fissure plates from nicks show that composite patch repair is an effective technique for increasing plate strength, decreasing stress concentration and prolonging their service life.en_US
dc.publisherThe Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematicsen_US
dc.subjectComposite patch, Fatigue, Fiber orientation, Life time and propagationen_US
dc.titleNumerical Analysis of the Behavior of Structures Damaged by Fatigue and Repaired by Composite Patchen_US
Collection(s) :6.Institut de Maintenance et de Sécurité Industrielle

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