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Titre: المناخ التنظيمي المدرسي: ماهيته، أنماطه ومحدداته في المؤسسة التعليمية
Auteur(s): بوفارس, عبد الرحمان
Mots-clés: school organizational climate, school, educational institution.
Date de publication: 2018
Editeur: Université d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Résumé: This research paper aims to highlight the nature of the school's organizational climate in the educational institution. It is considered one of the subjects of organizational behavior which has been widely known by researchers in the field of education because it has an impact on the results of the educational process and the performance of the school in general. Where he presented the study and analysis to the literary heritage of the concept of the school's organizational climate, its patterns and determinants in the educational institution and the specifications of the positive organizational climate with citing the results of some local studies, including Arab and foreign, which dealt with the elements exposed in it The search.
Collection(s) :5.Faculté des Sciences Sociales

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