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dc.contributor.authorBENBAKRETI, Houcine-
dc.description.abstractIn a world where everything goes fast, the child dyslexic does not still manage to read, as the others, for the hoped delays. Although he is intelligent and has a spontaneous language as the others, his delay is evident. The dyslexia is a disease more than a confusion, which prevents the child from learning foreign languages acquisition. This is the reason why, we target, in this article, to call the role of linguistics branches, with a priority to psycholinguistics, to detect, diagnose and cure this pathology. With the evolution of those sciences, we hope to find the other solutions to other difficulties in schools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité d'Oran 2 MOHAMED BEN AHMEDen_US
dc.subjectdyslexia - psycholinguistics – stimulus – reading - disorder.en_US
dc.titleApprendre une langue étrangère à un enfant dyslexique- Remédiation et perspectives- Approche psycholinguistiqueen_US
Collection(s) :2.Faculté des Langues Etrangères

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