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- O :المديرية الجهوية الغربية لنقل المحروقات. Z/GNL2 :مركب تمييع الغاز الطبيعي رقم 2. Z/GP1 :مركب تمييع غاز البترول السائل رقم 1. ONS : الديوان الوطني لإلحصائيات. . Statut Général des Travailleur – للعمال العام القانون : SGT 1
- oasiens, Zones humides. 1
- oasis - foggara – institutions – agriculture saharienne – Adrar. 1
- oasis / foggara / qanat / forage / Adrar 1
- Oasis, climate change, production, agriculture, irrigation-الواحة، التغيرات المناخ،الانتاج، الزراعة،السقي. 1
- Obstacle, Langues étrangères, Système éducatif algérien, Enseignants, Enseignement Moyen 1
- Obstacles, Foreign languages, Algerian educational system, Professors, Middle Education. 1
- Occupation du sol, urbanisation, Télédétection, SIG, Loi littorale, Landsat, Oran, 1
- Occupational health and safety procedures, work accidents, the industrial corporation "Djelfa Mills." 1
- Odonymie, Noms des rues, Substitution, Anciens noms, Nouveaux noms, Attachement, Passé, colonisation, Indépendance, 1
- oil, rent economy, unilateral economy, economic growth, Algerian economy, Iraqi economy. Long-term relationship, Short-term relationship, Oil revenues, Gross domestic product, OPEC, Oil companies, economical development, Oil exports, Trade balance 1
- Old English Literature; Anglo-Saxon warrior ethics; psychoanalysis; The Battle of Maldon; The Battle of Brunanburh; Juliana 1
- Older generations in Tiaret, language contact, bilingualism, diglossia, code-switching, borrowing, code mixing, language attitudes, the choice of language and Arabization. 1
- Oligopole; Théorie des jeux; Equilibre de Nash; Collusion; Marché de téléphonie mobile en Algérie. 1
- Olivine diogenite - Diogenite - Eucrite - Howardite - Vesta - Peritectic reactions - Fractional crystallization - Equilibrium crystallization - Petrography - Mineralogy - Geochemistry - Algerian Sahara. 1
- omplexe magmatique; Bled M’Dena, éburnéen ; Eglab 1
- on : Magmatologie, Géodynamique et Transfert Lithosphérique. 1
- one semi-aride, Moyen Chélif orientale, piézométrie, faciès chimique, ressource disponible, demande en eau. Abstract: 1
- Open Macroeconomics; International Reserves; Accumulation; Exchange Rate Regimes; Pegs, Floats; International Monetary and Financial System. 1