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- bassins sédimentaires 1
- Bâtiment ; béton arme; dégradation; diagnostic; pathologie; réhabilitation ; durabilité 1
- Beat Generation, Post-war, Social, Artistic, Identity, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs 1
- Bechar Bassin, medio-carboniferous boundary, Serpukhovian-Baschkirian, brachiopods, T-R sequence, forced regression 1
- behavioral cognitive therapy-aggressive- academic achievement -primary school child 1
- Behavioral problems- Academic learning difficulties- before school age - Pupils who attend school before school age. 1
- behaviour therapy, hyparactif, inattention, child between 6-12 years old, positive reinforcement, reply cost, order list. 1
- Ben Zireg, Dévonien inférieur, Carbonates de l’Oued Khoufane, Microfaciès,SMF. 1
- Beni Ouarsous, Monts des Traras, Jurassique inférieur, macrofaciès, microfaciès, paléoenvironnement, discontinuités sédimentaires. 1
- Beni Ourasous, Monts des Traras, Pliensbachien inférieur, Lithiotis, lagon ouvert, lagon restreint. 1
- Beni-Abbès ; Calcaires griottes ; Famennien ; Bassin ; Matière organique. 1
- Berkaoui, puits, diagraphie, pétrophysique, saturation en eau T1+T2 Aquifére. 1
- Bertrand Russell reading History of Philosophy Evolution of Philosophy Objectivity subjectivity History problems of philosophy Connection Separation Fields 1
- berufliche Bildung, Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsfeld, Fremdsprachenbereich, Sprachkompetenz 1
- Beschäftigungsfähigkeit – Arbeitsmarkt- Employability- Praxisbezüge- Lehramt 1
- besoin, égalité, enseignant, équité, évaluation, objectivité, performance, périodicité, motivation, système. 1
- Between 1760 and 1880, Britain followed two major economic processes. The First British Industrial Revolution and colonialism proved to be vigorously related. The needs of Britain’s First Industrial Revolution were bound to accentuate the exploitation and domination of her colony of India. Many historians specialized in the imperial era assert that economic exploitation in British India during the latter period went on a systematic upward trajectory. India was a pillar to British capitalistic preponderance. There is much evidence that India’s deepening economic down-break from the late eighteenth century was inflicted by Britain absolutely seeking to meet her own interests. That exploitation, carried out in many various ways, enriched one side and impoverished the other. India fell in misery and rose in indignation. 1
- between learning difficulties reading social withdrawal 1
- Bénia, Domérien, Toarcien, Foraminifère, Géochimie, Isotope, OAE, Azoïque. 1
- bi-plurilangual skill- integrated didactics- written expression- mistakinterdisciplinarity 1