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- Oranie, Atlas Saharien, tholeiites continentales, unité supérieure, CAMP. 1
- Oranie, diapir évaporitique, Ain Nouissy, cristallin, cristallophyllien, CAMP, Bético-tellorifain. 1
- Oranie, volcanisme calco-alcalin, transition, alcalin, subduction, fusion mantellique. 1
- Orán-Mazalquivir, historiographic production, approach, chronicles, North Africa, Spanish possessions. 1
- Orán-Mazalquivir, producción historiográfica, aproximación, crónicas, Norte de África, posesiones españolas. 1
- Orán; Talaba; Mohamed el Kebir; manuscrito; árabe de Mustafá Ibn Abd Allah Al Dahawi; liberación; siglo XVIII; españoles; Mazalquivir; Beylik. 1
- order to avoid the conflict, based on an illustration represented by the family code. 1
- Ordonnance, prescription, rapports, médecin, patient, Pharmacien. 1
- Organisation; Entreprises; Exportation; Mondialisation; Globalisation; DARL SIMAP; Activités Internationaux; Formel; Informel; Innovation. 1
- Organizational Change - Structure - Strategy - Environment - Change process - Resistance to change - International Standards 1
- Organizational change, motivation, top managers, middle managers 1
- organizational climate, psychological security, self-esteem, customs officer, customs administration 1
- organizational culture - organizational commitment. 1
- organizational culture; violence; the university; administrative staff; public institution; administrative dimension; organizational dimension; human dimension. 1
- organizational justice, knowledge management, organizational commitment, employees 1
- Organizational Justice- Churchill Model- Measurement Theory- Exploratory Factorial Analysis- Confirmatory Factor Analysis- Criterion Validity- Nomological Validity. 1
- Organizational loyalty, motivation to work, teacher, percentage of success 1
- Organizational performance, human resources management practices, entrepreneurial orientation, Algerian institutions 1
- Organizational structure, authority hierarchy, organizational socialization practices of team, team coordination, work teams performance 1
- organizational trust, psychological contract, pre-employment contracts, workers, integration 1