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- Keywords: politics, literary theory, change, speech, commitment, authors, French literature. 1
- Keywords: Prudential regulation, capital, risks, bank performance. 1
- Keywords: Psychodrama. Withdrawal behaviour. Relational disorders. Schooled teenager . 1
- Keywords: Psychological Burnout; Quality of school life; Primary school teacher 1
- Keywords: Psychological empowerment, Professional self-esteem, Coping strategies, Occupational stress, Work. 1
- Keywords: Quality Circles (QCs), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Legal English, Participatory Pedagogy, Learner-Centered Instruction, Higher Education, Curriculum Alignment, Professional Needs, Collaborative Learning, Specialized Education. 1
- Keywords: Quality; University formation; clinical psychologist; examination techniques; psychotherapy, effectiveness. 1
- Keywords: religion, Salafism, Sufism, youth, social integration, participation, social relations 1
- Keywords: Salafism, youth, marginalized neighborhoods, Oran, Algeria. 1
- Keywords: Social support - Locus of control- Self esteem - Risk-taking behavior-Secondary school students. 1
- Keywords: Spa, Mineral water, Bouhanifia, Ecology, Body, Urban, City. 1
- Keywords: Subject-related, job-oriented G lessons / intercultural communication /professional language, entrepreneurship. 1
- Keywords: systemic family therapy, disturbed interactive patterns, family, adolescence, delinquency. 1
- Keywords: The international criminal court – the defendant Warranties - Proceeding functioning - the international criminal Justice. 1
- Keywords: the new methods, teaching, foreign languages, training courses, School interaction, understanding. 1
- Keywords: therapeutic program - learning difficulties (reading - expressive oral language - Down syndrome). 1
- Keywords: visual selective attention, working memory, arithmetic processing, Broca's aphasia." 1
- Keywords:Inflation, Consumer Price Index,Auto Regressive Distributed Lag/ARDL 1
- Knowledge management, organizational innovation, economic enterprise. 1
- Knowledge sharing; Skills development; training; tutoring; Evaluation; talent management 1