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Montrant les résultats 1740 à 1759 de 5389
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- Justice transitionnelle, justice en matière de représailles, justice distributive, justice corrective, suivi judiciaire, procédures judiciaires, tribunaux militaires, tribunaux provisoires, Cour pénale internationale, tribunaux internationaux mixtes, victimes. 1
- justice; fairness; modernity; expediency; coexistence. 1
- K/Pg boundary, Atlas domain, Tademaït Plateau, Charophytes, Laffitteina, Ostracods, Megaloolithus, Microtektites, Shocked quartz, Tsunamites, Seismites, SSDS 1
- Kabylia, The tribal system, Tajma’ath, customary laws . 1
- Kafala, assessment guide, analytics of the demand, assessing the maturity of the request, and assessing the state of mind. 1
- Kafala, guide d'évaluation, analyse de la demande, évaluation de la maturité de la demande, évaluation de l'état d'esprit. 1
- Kahal Tabelbala Ougarta Range Algeria Mafic dikes Petrology-Geochemistry Sr–Nd isotopes Mantle plume 1
- Kamel Daoud ; écriture ; subversion ; démesure ; fragmentation ; dissémination ; Modernité. 1
- Karstic aquifer - Karstification - Tlemcen mountains - Hydrodynamic – hydrochimistry - Aïn Fouara - Aïn Bendou - Aïn El Houtz 1
- Key words : (Poverty- Resources- Development Policy - Growth - sustainable development - Zakat -Algérie - Tunisie - Maroc - the Millennium Development goals ). 1
- Key words : Crowdfunding; the crowdfunding platform; SMEs; Algeria. 1
- Key words : Environmental security, environmental media, environmental culture, environmental awareness, community practice. 1
- Key words : Myths, rites, paraliterature, detective fiction, writing, context, society, referentiality, pragmatics. 1
- Key words : Tax law ; Tax administration ; administrative doctrine ; Legal interpretation ; Legal security ; Tax ruling. 1
- Key words : the state of marketing, holistic marketing, automotive, integrated marketing perspective 1
- Key words : trade mark – registry – fake – procedures conservatory – criminal case. 1
- Key words ; Tribe - sociocultural change - modernization - development - Hamyan tribe 2
- Key words: BE course - Business negotiation - English for specific business purposes - Enhancing proficiency - Language proficiency - Linguistic skills - Needs analysis Nonlinguistic skills - Oral communication efficiency 1
- Key Words: Authentic Materials, Business English, Discourse Analysis, ESP, Needs Analysis. 1
- Key words: Bill Clinton’s Administration; classism; document analysis; New Democratic Party; racism, sexism, U.S. welfare state; welfare reform. 1